Deploy smart contracts on Ethermint
Try Notion
Deploy smart contracts on Ethermint
Run the node:
cd ethermint ./init.sh
Get the validator wallet:
$ ethermintd keys unsafe-export-eth-key mykey --keyring-backend test 516E8F2A291E39158E5FAAA9282147D44EEFA0C0EF1E65A1C925114F5CCDCA43
Import the wallet on Metamask:
To import the wallet just paste your private key on metamask.
Add Ethermint rpc:
Ethermint rpc details.
Use remix to deploy a contract
Go to Remix.
Add your .sol file to the contracts folder.
Go to SOLIDITY COMPILER and compile your contract.
Go to DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS and select Injected Web3.
Select your contract and press Deploy
You can play using Remix with your contract or save your deployed address to sent transitions using etherumjs-tx.
Etherumjs-tx example:
Create a node project:
npm init npm install etherumjs-tx touch main.js
Create a transaction to use the contract:
const Tx = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction var privateKey = new Buffer('516E8F2A291E39158E5FAAA9282147D44EEFA0C0EF1E65A1C925114F5CCDCA43', 'hex') const txData = { nonce: '0x02', gasPrice: '0x14',NOTE: set your current nonce, the private key should be the same used for Metamask and the TO address must be the one where the contract is deployed. gasLimit: '0xffff', to: '0x71dda21734De2D4Db99EB07634F67B57D25cC728', data: '0x00', }; const tx = new Tx(txData); tx.sign(privateKey) var serializedTx = tx.serialize() console.log(serializedTx.toString('hex'))
NOTE: set your current nonce, the private key should be the same used for Metamask and the TO address must be the one where the contract is deployed.
Javascript example project:
This example deploys a contract and calls some methods. It uses etherumjs-tx lib and gets the keys using the ethermint-cli.
Contract example:
pragma solidity ^0.5.11; contract Counter { uint256 counter = 0; function add() public { counter++; } function subtract() public { counter--; } function getCounter() public view returns (uint256) { return counter; } }
Plain Text
Simple counter.sol example