Try Notion
Create wallet using evmosd
We need to create a wallet to send transactions:
MsgCreateValidator transaction will associate our wallet to the validator public key.
MsgSubmitProposal transaction will allow us to create and submit a proposals.
MsgDeposit transaction will allow us to send coins to a proposal to change its status to VOTING_PERIOD.
MsgVote transaction will allow us to vote on proposals.
MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission transaction will allow us to claim the rewards for being validators.
MsgWithdrawDelegationReward transaction will allow us to claim the rewards from staking.
Create a brand new wallet
~/evmosd keys add validator --keyring-backend=file
NOTE: the mnemonics (12 words to recover your wallet) will be printed to the terminal. We must save this works in order to recover our account.
Create a wallet using a recovery key
~/evmosd keys add --recover validator --keyring-backend=file
NOTE: validator can be changed by any other string, Iā€™m just keeping that name in order to use the same value for all the other examples